Sunday, November 6, 2016

Voting for Trump - You Don't Get It Do you?

A friend of mine posted this meme on facebook:

A back and forth response started with one friend telling the person who posted this: "Lmao.You just don't get it"

He wouldn't say what he meant, but he was obviously a Trump supporter.

I post things from time to time about this and other elections. This year I have tried to usually post articles with facts about one side or the other. That is something that has been sorely missing in this election - but also blatantly ignored. I could say it's a mystery, but it's not really such a mystery to me.

People are caught up by their emotions. Their emotions are being fanned by an entertainer who has been taught by professionals how to act on camera. That's not all Trump on his TV shows. He's an actor being directed how to look, act, respond and get reactions on camera as every TV actor told is by their Director.

He is also stirring up what many folks have kept silently hidden from the public and themselves. I bit of bigotry, small or big, but there non the less.

I know what it was like to live in the 50"s. I know how many of our elders spoke and thought about people not like themselves. It was as blatant in my family as my mother not trusting an Italian who was not from Naples!!! That's like not trusting a person because they are from Montana and not the state they are from! It didn't have to make sense, it was how they were brought up. And guess what, many of us were exposed to that!

Now some of that history and memories are coming out. It's fueled by the fire of speeches filled with promises but not filled with plans on how to accomplish those promises. It's like saying "I'm going to cure cancer if you elect me!" He has no frigging idea how to do that but if he says it, on TV, it must be right. Our elders thought if you read it in the newspapers, it must be right. Some people read it on the internet and think the same thing.

Take the emotion out of the elections to date and look at the facts in front of you. That's what I did when I read the response, "You don't get it." Guess I got emotional and here was my response:

"No YOU don't get it. We don't have to make America Great Again. It's already pretty darn awesome. 
He wants to take us back 70 years where white men ruled, women were subservient, blacks were called the "N" word and ethnic jokes were just SO funny. 
Those are FACTS posted here, not lies made up to make his supporters feel good. 
I'm retired and have spent a lot of time watching all channels, reading articles and fact checking. Hillary may not be my 1st choice, but she is the most qualified candidate to continue to put us on a track of recovery.
Obama isn't to blame for all of the whining out there. He took over a stupendous mess that Bush got us into after taking over a country in great shape" Obama did his best "to continue to move forward. 
Is everything perfect like Obamacare, no, but it can be fixed. Remember both Dems and Reps spent a lot of time mucking it up. 
So if you want manufacturing jobs to come back to the USA and not keep them overseas where Trump makes all of his clothes, if you want to continue with the atmosphere of bigotry and hate that Trump has continued to poke like poking a bear with a stick, then God help us for your ignorance, bigotry and hatred of what is good and right".

Was I over the top with my response?  I don't think so. Was I a little overemotional? Probably. But then, why not? It seems that emotions may be what makes people vote during this election, not facts.

I just hope someone reads this or something else containing facts and finally "Gets it" and makes the right choice when they cast their vote.

Submitted by Linda Vola

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