Sunday, November 13, 2016

There is NO path to make America great without being better together.

Facebook Commentary by Cindy Morrisroe Mirabella:

There is NO path to make America great without being better together. 

Thoughtful opinion pieces like the one below are integral to the process of understanding each other. Many of my friends are sharing valuable opinions and 3rd party opinion pieces that are constructive and positive.

In CONTRAST to the useful opinion piece below, please realize that the faux news sites (those that present opinions as fact) will continue heading further right and further left with clickbait titles and garbage presented as data in order to manufacture outrage. Outrage --> clicks --> shares --> views --> ad revenue. Outrage --> revenue (get it?). These sites have had months of year over year growth and they're not going to give it up easily just because the election is over, so they're going to work really hard at getting us lathered up enough to do their ad sales for them by sharing their clickbait (exaggerated airquotes) content (end exaggerated airquotes).

Don't be manipulated so easily. Be better than that. Check before you post crap positioned as fact. You have a brain. You have the Internet. Use them both. And throw the yellow card (politely) when you see a fellow American not using their brain and/or the Internet but posting crap positioned as fact. Do that especially when you kind-of, sort-of like where a faulty conclusion is headed - that takes REAL effort. We are all entitled to our own opinions (and to share them), but NOT to our own facts. If the producers of crap content can't use us as a free sales force, they will eventually no longer be able to afford the costs to manufacture it.

Facebook Commentary by Linda Vola:
A good read. If you want change. It's time to start writing to those in DC and State gov. Get ready for the next elections in 2 yrs! 

 Reposting of David Wong blog post on

Don't Panic

Don't panic. Or rather, don't keep panicking for too long.
We tend to have a fairly left-leaning readership here at Cracked, just for demographic reasons (lots of college kids and such). So a lot of you reading this are outraged, sad, disgusted, terrified, and/or physically ill right now. Lots of you also use the stuff I write to feel better about the world, so let me give it my best shot.
First, understand that the opposite of panic is not blithe acceptance of the situation -- it's clear-minded, positive, day-to-day action. Panic makes you do stupid shit or, even worse, curl up into a ball and do nothing. Don't tell me you have reason to panic. You never have reason to panic. You have reason to act.
So yeah, be upset for as long as you want. Get drunk. Do whatever you have to do. After that, I want you to sober up, splash water on your face, and consider some facts:
Gay marriage has overwhelming support nationwide -- 55 percent to 37 percent against.
The vast majority of the population supports background checks for gun buyers -- up to 90 percent in some polls.
A majority of Americans support some kind of universal health care, 58 percent to 37 percent.
And -- get this -- Americans overwhelmingly agree that immigration helps the country more than it hurts, by a 59 percent to 33 percent margin.
Your country didn't go anywhere. It's right here where you left it. America is nothing more than a big ol' collection of people, and those people are more diverse and progressive than they have ever been. That train won't be stopped. Donald Trump's supporters are by and large an aging and shrinking demographic. We didn't see the backlash coming, but that's on us -- a look at our history would have taught us to expect it.
In light of that, there are a few things to understand going forward.
1. You still have tremendous power, if you are willing to exercise it.
If Trump strides into office and decides he wants to undo 50 years of social progress, he will hear about it from a majority who disagrees, many of whom do in fact have quite a bit of influence. So will the members of Congress, who have to sign off on whatever he wants to pass. Trump was elected for a bunch of different reasons that may never be replicated, but that doesn't change the fact that most of the country is still on your side.
Midterm elections are just two years away. Someone who needs your assistance because they're suffering under Trump's policies is probably much closer. Unite. Act.
2. Half of America did not, in fact, just reveal themselves to be closet Nazis.
My family back home aren't Nazis. Neither are their neighbors. This is the last thing many of you want to hear at the moment, and that's fine -- feel free to bookmark this and read it a few months from now. But you can see the numbers for yourself, if you go issue by issue. Shit, at least three Trump states just voted to legalize marijuana, maybe more by time you read this. This is not your grandfather's GOP. This is something different.
The truth is, most of Trump's voters voted for him despite the fact that he said/believes awful things, not because of it. That in no way excuses it, but I have to admit I've spent eight years quietly tuning out news stories about drone strikes blowing up weddings in Afghanistan. I still couldn't point to Yemen on a map. We form blind spots for our side, because there's something larger at stake. In their case, it's a belief that the system is fundamentally broken and that Hillary Clinton would have been more of the same. Trump rode a wave of support from people who've spent the last eight years watching terrifying nightly news reports about ISIS and mass shootings and riots. They look out their front door and see painkiller addicts and closed factories. They believe that nobody in Washington gives a shit about them, mainly because that's 100-percent correct.
That pressure was building and building all around us, and we kept ignoring it. We media types were baffled when Trump won his first primary, and then his second, and then his third. We desperately tried to figure out how the system had failed. We were bemused when he won the nomination, then when he continued to hang around in the polls, we had approximately the same reaction one would have to seeing an invisible dagger floating across the room, aimed right at our fucking face. "How is this happening?!?"
Stop being baffled. Understand why it happened. Do the opposite of panic. Work through the problem.
3. The internet lets us live in social bubbles that blind us to what's really happening.
"How can he keep winning when 100 percent of the comedians and smart commentators have nothing but derision for him? How can he keep finding voters when everyone on my Twitter feed thinks he's a monster?" Well, we can stop being confused. That invisible hand on the dagger belonged to a forgotten entity called "Most of America."
That sick feeling some of you have right now? They've had that for the last eight years. Call them racists, if you want -- some of them definitely are -- but mostly they're regular people who want jobs, security, and safety. Part of that bubble effect is that we're often shielded from "the other side" just enough that only the loudest, craziest assholes leak through. Some of you never had a single polite conversation with a Trump supporter, but did hear about hate crimes and the baffling Reddit spammers and Breitbart bigots. You didn't think Trump would win because you didn't think half the country could be crazy assholes.
Well, I've got good news: You were right. If you focus on the racism and ignore the economic anxiety, you're intentionally blinding yourself to much of the problem. It doesn't matter how much you hate them; their concerns must be heard and addressed or else this will happen again. Or, as someone on Twitter put it, "I'm begging liberal Democrats to discover a tactic other than wealthy celebrities mugging in a camera about how dumb the GOP is."
They don't need your sympathy, they don't need your thinkpieces. They need fucking jobs. They need to feel like they're not getting left behind and they need to not actually get left behind. The system needs to change, and only one candidate promised them it would. If he fails, they'll turn against him too. Watch.
4. What Trump's supporters just did, you can do.
Bad things are absolutely going to happen over the next few years. There will be outrages and disasters. That means people will need your help and you do not have the option of sitting it out. Just know that none of this is unprecedented -- you're just seeing it for the first time, many of you too young to have been paying attention pre-Obama. The old guys who wept with joy when Obama took office did it because they knew that getting there had been a long, brutal road, full of pitfalls and harrowing detours around mountains of bullshit. They saw the Civil Rights Movement bloom in the 1960s, only to run smack into the Reagan years. They pressed on and saw the tide turn.
But only because they acted. In each gut-wrenching setback, they saw opportunity.
And there is opportunity here. You'll see. Trump ran against the most well-funded, well-organized political machine in the history of national politics, with 90 percent of the media and celebrities standing against him. All of the systems that are supposed to make sure one side wins failed. He smashed a billion-dollar political machine to pieces.
Good. I'm glad we can have elections where the prize doesn't go to the side with the slickest ads, biggest names, and deepest pockets. So be it. Next time, that groundswell movement against the powers that be can be coming from your side. I personally believe it will, that this will be remembered as the dying last gasp of the worst part of America, one final stand against the bigotry and ignorance that has plagued us since the day we decided to build this nation on the backs of slaves.
But it won't happen on its own. Nothing good ever does. Some of you wake up every day feeling like you have no purpose in life, and motherfucker, have I got news for you! The future is waiting to see what we do next. Let's get to it.
David continued this conversation with Editor-in-Chief Jack O'Brien the morning after the election. You can listen to it here.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Voting for Trump - You Don't Get It Do you?

A friend of mine posted this meme on facebook:

A back and forth response started with one friend telling the person who posted this: "Lmao.You just don't get it"

He wouldn't say what he meant, but he was obviously a Trump supporter.

I post things from time to time about this and other elections. This year I have tried to usually post articles with facts about one side or the other. That is something that has been sorely missing in this election - but also blatantly ignored. I could say it's a mystery, but it's not really such a mystery to me.

People are caught up by their emotions. Their emotions are being fanned by an entertainer who has been taught by professionals how to act on camera. That's not all Trump on his TV shows. He's an actor being directed how to look, act, respond and get reactions on camera as every TV actor told is by their Director.

He is also stirring up what many folks have kept silently hidden from the public and themselves. I bit of bigotry, small or big, but there non the less.

I know what it was like to live in the 50"s. I know how many of our elders spoke and thought about people not like themselves. It was as blatant in my family as my mother not trusting an Italian who was not from Naples!!! That's like not trusting a person because they are from Montana and not the state they are from! It didn't have to make sense, it was how they were brought up. And guess what, many of us were exposed to that!

Now some of that history and memories are coming out. It's fueled by the fire of speeches filled with promises but not filled with plans on how to accomplish those promises. It's like saying "I'm going to cure cancer if you elect me!" He has no frigging idea how to do that but if he says it, on TV, it must be right. Our elders thought if you read it in the newspapers, it must be right. Some people read it on the internet and think the same thing.

Take the emotion out of the elections to date and look at the facts in front of you. That's what I did when I read the response, "You don't get it." Guess I got emotional and here was my response:

"No YOU don't get it. We don't have to make America Great Again. It's already pretty darn awesome. 
He wants to take us back 70 years where white men ruled, women were subservient, blacks were called the "N" word and ethnic jokes were just SO funny. 
Those are FACTS posted here, not lies made up to make his supporters feel good. 
I'm retired and have spent a lot of time watching all channels, reading articles and fact checking. Hillary may not be my 1st choice, but she is the most qualified candidate to continue to put us on a track of recovery.
Obama isn't to blame for all of the whining out there. He took over a stupendous mess that Bush got us into after taking over a country in great shape" Obama did his best "to continue to move forward. 
Is everything perfect like Obamacare, no, but it can be fixed. Remember both Dems and Reps spent a lot of time mucking it up. 
So if you want manufacturing jobs to come back to the USA and not keep them overseas where Trump makes all of his clothes, if you want to continue with the atmosphere of bigotry and hate that Trump has continued to poke like poking a bear with a stick, then God help us for your ignorance, bigotry and hatred of what is good and right".

Was I over the top with my response?  I don't think so. Was I a little overemotional? Probably. But then, why not? It seems that emotions may be what makes people vote during this election, not facts.

I just hope someone reads this or something else containing facts and finally "Gets it" and makes the right choice when they cast their vote.

Submitted by Linda Vola

Election Day Prognostications

As some you may have noticed, I occasionally make comments about politics, politicians and policies. This has been especially true during this election. As election day is nearly upon us, I would like to make some predictions. See if you agree. Comment with your own predictions so we can compare them on November 9th.

1. Hillary will win. She will end up with 345 electoral college votes, plus or minus 5%. Why so high compared to the current polls? There are a couple of things at play that are hard to measure. First is the ground game. Clinton has a high number of people going door to door, driving people to voting locations, and working the phones. Some experts feel this is worth 2-3% more than the polls show. Trump has virtually no ground game. 

Second are the results from early voting. In many cases it shows an almost equal number of Democrats and Republicans have voted early. So most people assume that all people are voting for the Presidential candidate of their party. Not true, in my opinion. In this election there are more Republicans voting for Hillary than there are Democrats voting for Trump. Even if only 2% more of the Republicans vote for Hillary than there are Democrats voting for Trump, that converts to a 4% shift in the early voting results (2% taken from Trump and given to Hillary deflates his vote by 2 and adds 2 to her to give a total shift of 4%). Note that this unmeasured effect is only true for early voters where we don't know how they voted. On election day we will know how they voted. Since about 30% of eligible voters in early voting states have voted, the net effect in those states is about 1.2% (30% of voters times the 4% shift).

If you combined these two factors, you end up with a net gain to Clinton of 3-4%. This puts all of the battleground states out of reach for Trump and may even move a couple of Trump-leaning states to her too.

2. After the election, the Senate will be 51/49 in favor of the Democrats. Some of the math from above will work for the Democrats. 

3. Trump will not concede the election Tuesday or Wednesday. He will claim voting irregularities. On election day we will see some voter intimidation at the polls but not as much as some predict. It will come mostly from the Trump side as he has encouraged people to monitor the polls but has not put any guidelines in place to control those who may be too enthusiastic about their duties. 

4. Trump's failure to get elected will launch Trump's career in the anti-establishment alt-right movement which will crash and burn. Trump's brand, which he values at $5 billion dollars will take a big hit. The brand has been attached to Trump the winner. Now he will be Trump the loser no matter who he blames the loss on.

Disagree with my predictions? Offer your thoughts about what will happen on and after election day. Any logic you can use will be appreciated. 

Charlie Sharp

Friday, July 8, 2016

Dallas Shootings - Outliers

I am so proud of how my husband, addressed the tragic event that we are all still struggling with today.

As the daughter of a police officer, the events stir memories of my Dad rushing in to help during the riots in July of 1970 and my fear for his life. I was there, bused into Asbury park by Nj Bell. I was a college student working as a telephone Operator for the summer. Somehow I didn't fear for my own life. But I knew my Dad was in the thick of things and anything could happen to him. 

He was lucky, he survived.

I mourn for the fallen and pray for their families and our country that we can get over the bigotry that has bubbled to the top and is boiling over, lit by loud angry shouts from podiums hidden by smirks and claims of support for those different from themselves.

"Outliers - We, all of us, have a tendency to label groups based on the attention grabbing outliers instead of the mainstream masses. In Dallas, the now deceased shooter said last night that he wanted to kill white police officers. This came on the heels of the deaths of two black men shot by white police officers. The Dallas snipers drew a straight line from those deaths to all white police officers. That logic is just as flawed as attributing the atrocities of any group of miscreants to an entire race, religion, nationality or ethnicity.
We, nor the outliers, can kill enough people to create peace. We can crush resistance for a short time but it will return bigger and bolder. The only answer is to stop treating the masses as the outliers. Treat everyone as an individual, not blind to obvious signs of danger nor prejudiced by outlier actions. This solution is less dramatic, creates less news content and may take years to achieve, but is the only way to a lasting peace.
This solution starts with you, the individual. You don’t need Congress to act nor for direction from your clergy. Just look at each person you see or meet as if they are part of the peaceful masses that share your hope for a better day tomorrow.
Please share this post with whatever comment you believe is appropriate."

Submitted by 
Linda Vola
Creative Muse  & 
Charlie Sharp Head Wrangler
Forever Young Farm

Thursday, July 7, 2016

DWB - Driving While Black

Here's a facebook post from a good friend of mine, David Walker.

David is a professional photographer, writer, artist, husband, father, brother, son, grandson and friend. His skin happens to be darker than mine. I am afraid for him and for so many others like him.

Daddy David
Grandson David

People feel safer to express their hate and bigotry by their support of a small minded candidate who has stirred up these hidden feelings by his innuendos and outright and nastiness. He has created a safe zone for the smirks and hate expressed by those attracted to his entertainment quality.

Think about your own black friends. How would you you feel if any of them were pulled over for the offense of DWB (Driving While Black)?

"I could sum up my feelings with two words: fear and helplessness. I am fearful that my life could be taken based on a misunderstanding by those that are sworn to protect me. I only have one life. I feel helpless. I feel as if my life is in someone else's hands, and they may have preconceived ideas about how I will conduct myself.
The helplessness has a physical weight, man. It seems as if I am always trying to convince people that my concerns are legitimate and that a badge does not sanctify every action of a law enforcement officer. Many of these same individuals tell me that all lives matter. The Declaration of Independence affirms that "all men are created equal." "All" did not include me then, so why should I assume that it includes me now? Perhaps a person's value at birth does not determine how others treat them or their worth in life. I am a black man. Does my life matter? It seems to be a cumbersome phrase for many even to utter aloud. I am also a writer. Fortunately, I have the ability to articulate my thoughts and feelings. I feel sorry for those that cannot, but their pain in no less real.
I would say that the fear and helplessness comes from the realization that if ever in have a misunderstanding with a law enforcement officer and am shot, few will listen to me. Onlookers will only say, "I do not see the problem," or they may tell me that somehow, someway, this is all my fault.
I am tired. Unfriend me if you want".

David Walker

David Walker is an American lifestyle photographer, graphic designer, and essayist and Author of The Augustan: Short, thought-provoking commentary on culture, politics, and social issues.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Gun Control Desperately Needed

My Letter to all of my Senators, Members of Congress, my Governor and State Representatives

As a member of a family of gun owners, I firmly believe in thorough background checks and waiting periods. In NJ, a police officer was required to approve any request for each new gun purchase.

Our finger prints are on file in several NJ state data bases, as we were also Foster parents to troubled teenagers. They are in the Federal system for our Global Entry travel.

Nothing can be done about the millions of guns already sold at gun shows and dumped into the crime stream. However we can stop the bleeding.

There is NO reason that ANY civilian needs to own a gun or rifle designed for combat purposes. I do not believe that restricting the sale of those types of weapons denies my right to bear arms.

A neighbor of ours has a fully automatic M16 for "competition" purposes. We hear him in his personal backyard gun range once or twice a month playing with it for about 5-10 minutes, just because he can. He isn't expecting a herd of rabid attack deer to storm his house.

I am sick and tired of the gun lobby directing the Republican Party's actions. Just to make money, the gunmakers keep scaring people into thinking someone is going to take away their guns.

That will never happen unless the 10+ million illegal immigrants are each given an armload to carry when they deport all of them.

As an Independent, I fully supported the Senator Chris Murphy's filibuster in the Senate. Not allowing people on the no fly list is just the beginning. Please wake up and listen to the Majority of US citizens. Start acting on passing responsible gun ownership.
I am sure you were deeply affected by the slaughter in Charleston. Now multiply that by 7, not even counting the wounded.

Please do what you can influence your party members! Help pass tougher SC laws and follow the beliefs of 90% of the population.

If we could buy guns in NJ with their extremely tough gun laws, then we could buy them in SC under the same conditions.

Thank you for your service.