Saturday, December 14, 2019

Impeachment Hearings

My response to a letter received from Senator Tim Scott of SC:

(I wrote to him and my other Washington Representatives previously, urging them to listen to the facts presented at the Impeachment Hearings, to remember their oath of office to uphold the Constitution and not to vote just along party lines.)

Dear Senator Scott:
I agree with most of your comment that “It is imperative that the U.S. Congress not allow the Democrats or the media to taint the integrity of this investigation or Administration without due process. Impeachment is an action that should be undertaken with somber thought and responsibility. Unfortunately, it seems instead as though this inquiry is being used as a political tool by some of those in the House of Representatives.”

I have watched ALL of the hearings from every Committee, and seen all of the testimony. My observation is that the Democrats and patriotic witnesses all comported themselves in a measured and professional manner, stating all the facts that were available to them.

The Republicans however, often yelled loudly about many things, but often avoided direct questions, did not present cogent arguments in defense of the facts nor did they question why President Trump blocked testimony of potential witnesses and refused to turn over Any documentation to the committee except the transcript and the Whistleblower complaint. 

Demanding to hear from the Whistleblower just puts that person in more danger and threatens all future whistleblowers. As it is, I believe that the Republicans have leaked that person’s identity which, I’m told has been circulated on Social Media.

Unlike the Nixon impeach hearings, which I am old enough to remember, they are acting in a totally partisan manner and have not given their oath of office to the Constitution any consideration. 

Turning over all matters to the courts negates the power of Congress. I have said to my husband for over a year now that Trump is on the road to a Dictatorship. Now you and your colleagues will allow that to happen if you continue with your current path. 

The Republicans have turned the impeachment process into a 3 ring circus, with Trump in the Center Ring, Putin taking a bow in the Second Ring and the Republican Committee members streaming in and out of a clown car in the Third Ring.

Photo Source Sean Trainor Blog Post

You are making it harder and harder for me to continue to state that I am an Independent voter. 

Linda Vola

Senator Scott’s Letter to me: