I had tears of joy in my eyes as the Confederate flag was taken from the South Carolina State House today, It flew over the SC Capitol and that of other southern states for over 50 years as the symbol of racism. Now it's time to "take down the structure of racism" as quoted on a newscast this morning.
After living in South Carolina for almost 10 years, I never thought the politicians would take down that flag flying over the State House and many other government buildings. I thought, true to form, they were stalling to see if things would blow over, as there were still holdouts up to the last minute with 20 votes against taking it down!
It should have been taken down years ago and never was for all of the wrong reasons. The tragedy that struck Charleston was an impetus for a few to take down their overt and embarrassing symbols of racism, originally flown for that express purpose. How sorry I am that it took such a tragedy to wake us up to something so simple to correct, that offended so many.
I agree it won't solve the problem of inherent or taught racism.But it can't be ignored or not discussed. I see it less racism down here than in the North where I lived most of my life.
At least here it's more obvious if someone is a racist. Other's tend to mask their feelings about those that are different from themselves or joke about it or those they are afraid of or hate: a culture, religion, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc., etc.
There is a lot of ignorance in the world and not talking about these things allows many to continue to teach their kids and those generations after them to hate. Ask any person of color about the talk they give to their sons of how to act when driving or being pulled over for DWB.
My dad was a police officer but there are some over zealous officers out there, just like there are some over zealous people who fight for causes infused with ignorance.
Back to the flag. I know it has been used by many thinking it's part of their proud heritage and what makes them an American, flown for fun by enthusiastic people not truly understanding what it means and how offensive it is to not only blacks, but to all Americans.
It is a symbol of the Civil War and in ignorance, it's not even the true Confederate flag . As described by several folks I have encountered, the War of Northern Aggression, was fought for many reasons, but grandest of all it was fought to protect slavery.
That is not a heritage I would be proud of and want represented and reminded of by flying the symbol over the SC capitol or over the capitol of my home state birth, NJ. Do you think Governor Chris Christie would allow that to happen? Fa get about it!
We have one flag that symbolizes America and that is the the flag of the United States, Old Glory, the American Flag. Let's let that flag fly high and proud over all of our government buildings and not make room on flag poles, in our hearts, in our minds or in our teachings and dealings with others that we will tolerate ignorance and injustice. God Bless you and God Bless America.
Pax Vobiscum