Wednesday, October 24, 2012

An Open Letter to Ann Coulter

Posted on by Tim Shriver on the Special Olympics BLOG on Wordpress

John Franklin Stephens

Dear Ann Coulter,

Come on Ms. Coulter, you aren’t dumb and you aren’t shallow.  So why are you continually using a word like the R-word as an insult?

I’m a 30 year old man with Down syndrome who has struggled with the public’s perception that an intellectual disability means that I am dumb and shallow.  I am not either of those things, but I do process information more slowly than the rest of you.  In fact it has taken me all day to figure out how to respond to your use of the R-word last night.

I thought first of asking whether you meant to describe the President as someone who was bullied as a child by people like you, but rose above it to find a way to succeed in life as many of my fellow Special Olympians have.

Then I wondered if you meant to describe him as someone who has to struggle to be thoughtful about everything he says, as everyone else races from one snarkey sound bite to the next.

Finally, I wondered if you meant to degrade him as someone who is likely to receive bad health care, live in low grade housing with very little income and still manages to see life as a wonderful gift.

Because, Ms. Coulter, that is who we are – and much, much more.
After I saw your tweet, I realized you just wanted to belittle the President by linking him to people like me.  You assumed that people would understand and accept that being linked to someone like me is an insult and you assumed you could get away with it and still appear on TV.

I have to wonder if you considered other hateful words but recoiled from the backlash.
Well, Ms. Coulter, you, and society, need to learn that being compared to people like me should be considered a badge of honor.

No one overcomes more than we do and still loves life so much.

Come join us someday at Special Olympics.  See if you can walk away with your heart unchanged.

A friend you haven’t made yet,   

John Franklin Stephens
Global Messenger
Special Olympics Virginia

EDITOR’S NOTE: John has previously written powerful opinion pieces on the R-word. Read one here.

To read the original post CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Red vs. Blue OR Red, White AND Blue?

Are You a Red American, A Blue American or a Red White and Blue American?

We have endured so much animosity in Washington and in this country ever since Newt Gingrich told the Republican Party that it's members should not fraternize with those in the"Other" Party outside of work. I remember hearing Ted Kennedy, who was famous for compromise, say in an interview that before newt cam into power, a lot of work got done during after hour socializing.

 In 1994 Gingrich's political action committee, GOPAC, sent out "GOPAC memo", called "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control", was written and distributed to members of the Republican Party. It contained a list of "contrasting words" and "optimistic positive governing words" that Gingrich recommended for use in describing Democrats and Republicans, respectively. For example, words to use against opponents include decay, failure (fail), collapse(ing), deeper, crisis, urgent(cy), destructive, destroy, sick, pathetic, lie, liberal, they/them, unionized bureaucracy, "compassion" is not enough, betray, consequences, limit(s), shallow, traitors, sensationalists;"

How will those in the Washington ever work on a solution to America's problems if they maintain and encourage the US vs. THEM, all or nothing mentality. It's not us and them it's "We the People".

That has not been our history as Americans. We have always known how to come together as a team to get things done.

Old fashioned barn raisings or helping a neighbor or a stranger in need.  Meal were given to hungry people  or a job for a day to pay for food when they showed up on your doorstep in need.
 Soup kitchens were set up during the Great Depression in the 20's to help the hungry out of work people.

Working as a team to get things done during World War II not only with our Allies but here at home. Women went to work in arms factories to take the place of men who went off to war,  people lived with rationing of food and other items so supplies could be sent to the troops. More recently we saw it through the way we came together as a nation after 9/11, the outpouring of people trying to assist Hurricane Katrina victims and the disaster in Haiti. You name the problem be it tornadoes or feeding our local homeless people, we Americans figure out how to get it done. As you all well know it doesn't have to be something here in the US. It just has to be the right thing to do. 

We never vote and say well our team says "We can only help by sending bottles of water by jets" and the other says "No, overland freight is the best and only way" and suddenly, STALEMATE, no one gets the water they need. No, a team figures out what needs to be done and we do it; or we send money to the right organized group to get the job done as efficiently and humanely as possible. 

So what has happend to us that suddenly there are now distinct teams with only 2 lines of belief, with 2 sets of black and white answers to all issues facing the American people? This is not a Board game with exact rules to follow, it's the fate of the American people.  

I know it's not just me, I hear it from friends and strangers alike and see it on Social Media sites. I even heard David Letterman say it to President Obama the other night,  "I am sick and tired of the divisiveness that we perceive...but  you can just smell that something is not working any more..." Letterman Interview 9/18/12

I think we need to get back to the belief in democratic process and not the media process. It shouldn't be all about sound bytes, or what you read in a chain email that you send along without proof that it is real because you want to believe it's real.

Yes, we also allow Freedom of speech and I believe that we do and should have differing opinions on politics and how to better this country and what is the best way to wash clothes or drive to the grocery store.

 However, if a person can't fundamentally get along with those they work with side by side or in this bigger picture those that are making decisions about our great nation, then every red flag should be going up! We should all be writing and calling all of our Representatives in Washington and telling them to get their act together. 

Not after the Election. Now. Do you want me to believe you in the future even if you are not up for relection now, then change your stripes. I don't care if you are a Democrat , a Republican or an Independent. Make yourself heard because no matter who gets elected as President, we can't take 4 more years or even 4 more months or weeks of stalemate in Washington.

There is too much work that needs to get done, so more Red White and Blue Americans can get a job, get a good education, get their Social Security check,  Medicare Benefits, Health Care Coverage and be proud to be American who can still get things done!

We deserve it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Success of Mount Vintage Plantation Home Owner's Association

As a current property owner and former resident of Mount Vintage Plantation, North Augusta, SC,  I put together some information.

Golf Club House the old Shaw House
   Mount Vintage Plantation has gotten so  
   much bad press caused by lawsuits and 
   bickering between Developers. Rumors  
   were flying and everyone was afraid to go
   near this beautiful place.

   I would like to set the record straight with

   my narrative. This is my opportunity to 
   highlight a premier Community of 
   interesting and active business people,
   volunteers and all around good folks from
   all across the the country and even the 

They deserve to be in the spotlight for once. You see things can change and be made better when people work together to make things happen.

Mount Vintage Plantation is a vibrant Community, only 20 minutes from downtown Augusta Georgia. In the recent past it suffered from the bickering and legal battles of it's two developers, who dragged down the beautiful Community with it.  When two children fight and get mean it can be ugly. In this case the Community, it's grounds and it's reputation suffered.

The people of Mount Vintage have always come together socially, as volunteers, as supporters when one of their own suffered a blow or a health issue. It could be a waitress at the Grille with a special needs child or a brand new neighbor whose wife was taken seriously ill. It didn't matter how well you knew the person, because the Community always rallied when a member was in need. They go above and beyond as the resident owner of the golf course did when he drove a terminally ill resident halfway across the country to be at a hospice near his children.

It's been over a year since the children stopped their bickering. Their legal battles are in the past. The Mount Vintage Community is still there and it has shown its strength.

The once beautiful 27 Hole Golf Course, badly in need of maintenance, was bought by a member of the Community and his wife, saving it from foreclosure. The challenging course is back up to it's previous standard of excellence and then some, sporting new golf carts and a welcoming attitude to new members not living at Mount Vintage.

One of many historic markers at Mount Vintage Plantation
The rebirth was even assisted by many residents who acted as volunteers to work on grounds maintenance in the early stages! The Golf Course has won awards and continues to host events like the Annual Carolinas/Georgia Jr. Golf Championship and  the recent 4th Annual Vintage Victors for a Cure. The latter event raised over $19,000 for cancer research at Georgia Health Sciences this year. That brings the total amount raised by Mount Vintage residents over the last four years to over $61,000, just
                        for this charity alone.

  The Community Center with it's pool, gym,

   6 clay tennis courts and Community 
   Garden, also bought by the same couple,
   has been reopened as a nonprofit to the 
   members of the Community. Participants
   all pay an annual fee and as homeowners 
   and residents, have a stake in it's 
   success. Yoga classes, Book Clubs, water
   aerobics, etc. all go on and the  
   Community Library of shared books is
                                                                               back on track with it's own room in the
                                                                               Community Center.

Those same resident owners of the golf course donated six acres to build a Fire/EMT station in the middle of the development, something they did not have to do, but did so because of the benefits to the community.

Mount Vintage Plantation is beautifully maintained by the Home Owner's Association. The group is no longer taking a back seat and now runs Mount Vintage like clockwork, with monthly financial reports, Annual Meetings, etc.

The homes at Mount Vintage are varied. Everything from a 10 acre horse farm with it's own barn, family homes spread out on 2-3 acres, houses of varying sizes and styles on 1/2 to full acres lots and small houses on a small plot of land with minimal maintenance, houses on the golf course or those with more privacy. It's all there beautifully laid out and maintained.

There are lots of all sizes too. Some are prime lots bought years ago as investment by current owners or a few other Developer lots near the new 9.

Houses and lots are for sale but what community doesn't have for sale signs posted? Attrition happens. People get transferred, houses become too big or too small, circumstances change, a spouse takes ill, plans change. Things happen.

So many rumors still abound about Mount Vintage: it's falling apart, there are legal battles, everyone is fighting and my favorite, it's too far out.

All are false; come see for yourself. Close to Rt. 520 and I20, 15 minutes to downtown North Augusta that is right over the bridge from Augusta and some of the best hospitals and medical care available. Aiken and it's horse Community is a stone's throw away and as many know, Atlanta, Charleston, Savannah, the beach and the mountains are all just a couple of hours away. Did I mention that Costco is only one exit away from Mount Vintage off of I20?

I wrote this to set the record straight for Mount Vintage and to polish up it's tarnished reputation for you. Yes I own a house and 2 lots there. No I don't live there anymore. Remember, plans change? I am not that far away and still visit friends that will be friends for life. I participate in events when possible, like the Community 4th of July Parade and Barbecue. I attend the monthly Lunch Bunch that meets at a different restaurant each month to try something new and to socialize. If I’m lucky, I’ll make the Covered Dish Pot Luck Social this month!

I continue my old friendships and make new ones. That has always been the real Mount Vintage Plantation; its people and biggest supporters. They were there to welcome me and tell me what a great place it was to live there. They and I were always there to welcome others. They have endured hardships and happy times together. Once a member of the Mount Vintage Community, always a member.

I know our house will be referred to by our last name for year's to come just like the Smith's house will always be referred to as that. It doesn't matter that they don't live there any more. They are known and loved by the Community and we were all there in spirit when Beth underwent a heart transplant in Arizona, because, as I said, once a member of the Mount Vintage Community, always a member.

Come take a ride down Sweetwater Rd into Mount Vintage Plantation Drive and see for yourself. Don't be surprised by a smiling car driver waving as they pass you by. That's Mount Vintage for you.

Please note:  In another BLOG post, I posted information about the Post Office's way of assigning addresses. Mount Vintage addresses are listed as North Augusta. However it is right on the edge of Aiken County, but is actually in Edgefield County, unlike North Augusta which is in Aiken County. This note is not intended to give you a headache. That is up to the US Post Office!